Shave A Lambda

Fundraising for Leukemia - Be The Match



Donate money under a brother's name to work towards getting that brother shaved! Top 2 brothers with the most donations will have to get shaved. The brother with the least amount of donations will have to eat something really spicy. If over $1980 are raised, the entire chapter will have to shave. Donors are automatically entered into a raffle for a dinner cooked by bros, based on the amount they donate, divided by the total pool of donations. Inactives, associates, and those previously shaven are not eligible to be shaved. All proceeds will go towards the Be The Match: National Marrow Donor Program.

Lambda Phi Epsilon

Bald Brothers

Daniel Yoon

Chonny Martin

Zhu Park

Phillip Hyunh

Maximilian Kremmer

Marlon Macyntyre

Peter Zheng

Brandon Pham

Charlie Chiem

Sam Samrakoon

Daniel Kim

Brothers Number of Votes
Jin Sosankin 8
Jeff Kim 25
Phillip Huynh 43
Peter Zheng 0
Brandon Pham 2
Sam Samarakoon 5
Nguyen Vu 0
Daniel Kim 0
Kiet Huynh 0
Zhu Park 0
Michael Nguyen 0
Daniel Yoon 0
Chonny Martin 0
Tanas Gangadhar 0
Harvey Liu 0
Marlon Macintyre 8
Maximilian Kremer 1
Charlie Chiem 55
Johnny Ni 0
Jefferey Zheng 5
Joseph Tuong 30
Kevin Pham 6